2014 Blog Archive

Monthly Writings From Your Lexington Dentist

We believe in creating a relationship with our patients that goes beyond the office doors. We've specially created this section of our site to share with you some blogs posts that out family denristry in Lexington KY thought you would find interesting and enjoy. Every month we post a new blog to help our patients have the healthiest teeth possible. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (859) 266-2570.

January 2014
November 2014

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Bright, white teeth are classic characteristics of a beautiful smile. Over time, teeth can become stained because of genetics, food and drink (especially red wine, coffee, tea and mustard), tobacco use and other factors. If your smile has lost some of its luster over time, teeth whitening treatment at our Lexington  office can help you achieve dazzling white teeth. In our office, we use Zoom!® teeth whitening system, an in-office treatment that can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades - in about an hour!

If the color of your teeth makes you reluctant to smile, we can help you. Everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of!  Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Is Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Right For You?

Zoom!® teeth whitening can benefit just about anyone wishing to brighten his or her smile. This treatment does have varied results, but Dr. Cooper will be able to evaluate your smile and let you know what type of results to expect.

The Zoom!® Teeth Whitening Procedure

Zoom!® teeth whitening takes about an hour to complete. To begin, your teeth will be cleaned so that the whitening gel can thoroughly cover every surface of your teeth. Special guards will be placed in your mouth to protect your gums and mouth tissue, leaving the teeth exposed. Next, the whitening agent, which contains hydrogen peroxide, will be applied to the teeth. A special light is then trained on your teeth, intensifying the effects of the whitening gel. After about 15 minutes, the gel is removed, and new gel is reapplied. This process is repeated three times. During treatment, you can read, listen to music or watch television.

Don't Wait Any Longer to Brighten Your Smile

When you feel confident about the appearance of your smile, it shows. Whether your teeth have darkened over the years, or are naturally dark, we can recommend Zoom!® to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Click here to schedule an appointment today! 

Braces and Brushing

Many more kids are sporting braces these days than when I was growing up. I'm pretty sure that my parents would say the same thing about their childhood.

Braces are a great tool for bringing the teeth into ideal alignment. I've seen increased incidence of cavities when teeth aren't ideally aligned, so I encourage braces. But, with during the period of wearing braces comes the hassle of increased chance of decalcification of teeth and subsequent cavities.

It is important to brush and floss at home. I advocate use of an electric brush and air flosser. Both of these make oral care much easier on children. I also believe it's important to get to the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.

With braces, gums get inflamed and teeth harbor food. If you have concerns about your child's teeth and want to get them in for a dental cleaning, please visit our website listed below or call our office for an appointment.

Braces in Lexington KY


Cracked Tooth Treatment

Saving teeth is what I do. But, there are times when I'm forced to decide the fate of teeth due to cracks. Cracks in teeth can present gradually or all at once. For example, if a person bites into their steak for dinner and crunches down hard on a bone it is possible a tooth will form a crack.

Gradual formation of a crack can occur in teeth of a grinder or just someone who is rough on their teeth. As for treatment of a crack it depends on the severity of the crack. If the crack extends minimally into the tooth or down the side of the tooth I might be able to place a filling or crown the tooth to help hold it together. If the crack extends too far down the tooth's side or too far into the tooth, I would find it unrestorable and get it out.

That leads into replacement of the tooth which is beyond the scope of this post, but the point I make is that the ability to restore a cracked tooth depends upon the extent of the crack. If you are concerned about your teeth and oral health, please call our office at (859) 309-6052.




Triclosan linked to Cancer

If you have been keeping your ear to the ground lately you likely have read about Colgate toothpaste and the ingredient Triclosan. Triclosan is used in Colgate toothpaste to combat gum disease.

The Daily Mail came out with an article August 11, 2014 informing people of a Freedom of Information Request that was filed, and finally approved, to find out the truth behind Triclosan and cancer. View the article HERE.

Fox News posted this article on August 21, 2014 to try and downplay the divulged information (Click here for Article), which defends Colgate's position but trying to calm the "storm" with repeatedly emphasizing safety of Triclosan.

In the end, the FDA and ADA are still on board with Triclosan (as of today's post). It's important to read the articles for yourself and know the potential any chemical may impose on your body. Each institution that writes an article on Triclosan or other topic will try and skew you to believe one way or another.

Again, read these linked articles and do more research to find truth for yourself and your family. At some point I will likely write an article on another topic of growing interest -- Fluoride in our water systems.

-Dr. Cooper


Cooper Family Dentistry

Cooper Family Dentistry is a dental office located in the Lansdowne Shopping Center on Tates Creek Rd. in Lexington, KY dedicated to helping you and your family achieve the best oral care.

New Video Tour of Cooper Family Dentistry


Tooth Pain From a Heavy Bite

Lately I've seen a number of patients that seem to have tooth pain related to their bite being "off". The history of a patient's tooth pain is just as important as the objective testing I do such as taking an x-ray and tapping on the tooth.

The story I usually get is one that includes a history of a filling done within the last 6 months. I typically test the tooth with cold air, pressure, and checking the bite. I've found that a tooth that is heavy in occlusion(the bite is high) will lead to a pain in that very tooth or the one opposing it.

If you have issues with your bite or merely have questions about your dental health in general or want a cleaning, please give our office a call or follow the link below to our website to schedule an appointment.


Find a Dentist in Lexington KY


Toothpaste Allergy or Taste Sensitivity to Toothpaste

It's not very common, but sometimes I run across a person who has an allergy to an ingredient in toothpaste. And, sometimes I find people, especially kids, who don't like the flavor of toothpaste.

In the past I know companies have tried cinnamon flavor in toothpaste to remedy that, although cinnamon can cause irritation to gums and cheeks occasionally.

An 'old-time' recipe for toothpaste we recommend at our office is:

1 part baking soda

1 part salt

Mix the 2 together and wet the mixture enough to make it a paste. This mixture also works well for inflamed gums, but remember is no substitute for visiting your dentist for a checkup.

Flavor is obviously compromised here, but you can find flavoring online at Ebay or Amazon, as well as in stores like Michael's that sell cake making products. This is a way to make toothpaste that is effective and also tastes like pina colada.

If you have further questions about your dental health or need a checkup, visit our website or give us a call at (859) 309-6052.


Electric Flossers

I've pointed out the importance of flossing in recent blog posts. Flossing keeps cavities from forming between teeth as we as keeps bone loss and gum inflammation (gingivitis) from occurring.

Some individuals need extra help flossing from lack of ability to clean adequately. Some people love flossing aides such as Reach's Flosser or Plackers that are very portable.

Electric flossers are used primarily at home in front of your sink. They use a stream of water to flush debris from between teeth much like a water gun could. Being either a/c powered or battery powered gives the user the ability to push a button making flossing much easier.

Waterpik is a classic example. Typically, Waterpiks come with a high pressure and a low pressure tip for the user's preference. Waterpiks work well under dental bridges or around teeth that have significant bone loss.

If you have any more questions about a Waterpik or about improving your oral health and scheduling a regular checkup, please give us a call at (859) 309-6052.


Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures are an affordable way to replace teeth that you are missing. This is because whether you are missing 1, 2, or 6 teeth, the price of the partial doesn't change. By definition a partial denture is a denture that replaces as many teeth as needed right short of a complete denture.

I have made partials for people that replace only 1 tooth, and partials that replace most of a person's teeth. Partials are custom made to fit your mouth and feel as natural as possible.

If you're interested in getting a partial to replace teeth, have further questions about partials, or need to get a dental checkup, please check out our website or give us a call at (859) 309-6052.


Dentures in Lexington KY


Tongue-tied and Ankyloglossia

Is your tongue or your child's tongue attached to the floor of their mouth?

Ankyloglossia is a term that explains that a tongue is tongue-tied. This extra tissue that holds the tongue down tends to affect speech quite a bit.

Sometimes this extra tissue is found connecting the upper lip to the gums above the front 2 teeth. This causes a separation of the front 2 teeth called a diastema. A simple procedure called a frenectomy, or frenulectomy, can be done that cuts the extra tissue so that it is not a problem in the future.

Typically it is something insurance pays for as well. The frenectomy can be done with either a scalpel or a laser. At my office we have used a laser for this procedure. There's less pain and healing is easier with a laser.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental health and need more information, please call us or visit our website at the link below.

Pediatric Dentist in Lexington KY


JULY 2014
Dental Insurance

Dental insurance can be both helpful and frustrating to deal with. Like all insurance, dental coverage assists patients in getting work done with less expense to themselves.

It can be frustrating because it differs from medical insurance in the way insurance providers limit reimbursement. Dental insurance has deductibles to be met, co-pays, and fee schedules just like traditional medical insurance.

There are many different insurance companies out there each with a variety of plan options. Most dental insurance plans I have seen cover dental cleanings and xrays during a visit.

If you have any questions about dental insurance and whether you're covered please visit our website below or call us for more information so we can help you care for your dental health.

-Dr. Cooper


Choosing a Toothpaste

There are many choices of toothpaste on the market. Some claim to whiten, some desensitize, some take care of gingivitis, and some take care of all your dental needs. I give out samples in my office of several brands.

I have a hard time advocating one toothpaste over another, except for sensitivity protection and personal preference. What I have found is that some toothpastes work better for certain people than others.

I grew up using Crest toothpaste which does an overall excellent job. Crest tends to be a bit grittier than Colgate as far as the paste. Some people advocate Colgate. I have found Colgate not to be a smoother texture than Crest.

I will say many people who come to see me with sensitivity issues seem to use Colgate Tartar Control toothpaste. Thus, I tend to ask about Colgate Tartar Control usage when I see sensitivity or at least toothbrush abrasion.

Sensodyne is a great toothpaste for sensitivity. It comes in different variants but the overall effect is the same. This concise blog post about toothpaste is just that -- concise. If you have any more questions about your dental hygiene or are interested in a dental cleaning visit our website at the link below, or call our office.


Emergency Dentist in Lexington KY



-Dr. Cooper


TMJ Pain / Biteguard Therapy

TMJ pain is horrible for those who have it because it keeps you from enjoying eating and functioning as normal. the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint that connects your lower jaw with your skull.

You can experience pain in your TMJ if you have hyper-extended it or overused it. I have had patients tell me they wake up with pain or tenderness around their jaw joint or muscles in the area. I have had gum chewers tell me symptoms that have i can link directly to overuse of their jaw.

TMJ can be a complicated issue with some if not total resolve. Treatment in extreme cases may require surgery, but most of the time biteguard therapy and perhaps some muscle relaxers will do the trick.

If you feel you might have TMJ pain please check out our website for further information or give us a call.


Lexington KY Cosmetic Dentist

-Dr. Cooper


Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain can be aggravating to say the least. Sometimes teething occurs and you have room for them. Most people I see don't have room for wisdom teeth, so you need them removed.

Generally speaking wisdom teeth are taken out by an oral surgeon, but sometimes general dentists take them out. Wisdom teeth can start hurting anytime from about age 16 and on. Some people develop all 4, while others have anywhere from 0-3 develop.

In the end it doesn't matter how many develop as long as they either erupt through the gums, or are taken out. Wisdom teeth that don't erupt pose a potential for abscess or cyst formation, neither of which sound good.

If you have further questions about wisdom teeth or other dental concerns please link to our website below or give us a call.


Wisdom Teeth Removal Lexington KY


JUNE 2014
Oral Cancer

I see a lot of patients during a work week. One item i see articles about is making sure clinicians perform a soft tissue check on patients during an oral exam. This part of the oral exam is a way to stay on top of oral cancer. It doesn't prevent oral cancer, but helps identify it hopefully before it becomes a larger issue.

According to the National Institute of Health the incidence of cancer is 10.5 people per 100,000. While that sounds low, if you are one of the few that develop oral cancer I'm sure you would want to know about it in its infancy.

The best way to find it early is to have regular checkups at your dentist and make sure your dentist is checking out your gums, cheeks, floor of mouth, back of throat, and roof of mouth. If you look in the mirror one morning and notice something that wasn't there before it's not a bad idea to get it checked out.

It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to oral cancer. If you have any questions about your oral health or about our office please visit our website at the link below or call our office to come in for a visit.

-Dr. Cooper


Zoom Bleaching and Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is very popular. There are options at your dental office as well as retail stores such as Walmart. The retail kits can cost upwards of $50 for something that really isn't custom. The trays sold in retail kits are designed to fit the mouths of 80% of the population.

This means they don't fit well leading to irritated gums and a disgruntled consumer most likely. The alternatives are offered by a dental office. Our office offers take-home bleaching trays as well as an in-office method of whitening.

Currently we offer Zoom for bleaching teeth in the office. The total time for the procedure takes about 1 1/2 hours. The results vary by patient, but overall have been very successful.

Take-home trays are another option for whitening your teeth. Bleaching with trays is done daily over a period of a week. This option appeals to individuals that want white teeth but are more budget conscious.

If you desire to have whiter teeth or are due for a dental checkup please give us a call.


Teeth Whitening in Lexington KY


Dental Insurance Plans We Accept

We accept many different insurance plans available to consumers - both employer sponsored plans as well as individual plans.

Sometimes finding a provider that is in-network is the largest stumbling block to seeking care. That's a big reason we are in-network with a long list of insurance companies. This eliminates that stumbling block.

Not all,but some of the insurance plans we accept are:

Delta Dental PPO

Delta Dental Premier

Delta Dental DeltaCare





Anthem BCBS Traditional, FEP, Blue 100,200,300







United Concordia

United Health Care


Electric ToothBrushes

As I have posted in other blogs, it is important to brush and floss to keep cavities and bone loss from running rampant. Several companies make electric toothbrushes including Oralb and Sonicare. Price on these brushes range from $6-$200+.

You may ask what the difference is and will get different answers. I believe the $6 spinbrushes that you see on the shelf at walmart are a good starter brush. Those who aren't sure whether an electric brush will be any better than a manual brush should start there.

After experimenting with that brush you can step up to a better electric brush with more 'bells and whistles'. The more expensive toothbrushes track your time spent on brushing, and have different brushing modes.

If you have further questions about electric toothbrushes call our office.


-Dr. Cooper


Better Home Care

Better home care refers to better brushing and more effective flossing. I consistently see individuals who are collecting plaque and calculus behind their lower front teeth. The importance of brushing well is important for long-term tooth and gum health.

Keeping debris off your teeth will help keep cavities from forming. Keeping debris away from your gums will keep inflammation and subsequent gum recession from occurring. It's important to use a good toothbrush and floss.

I typically recommend a soft bristle brush and good sturdy floss. Some people have a hard time getting things cleaned adequately, possibly due to extra space between teeth or decreased dexterity.

For those people I commonly recommend electric brushes or electric flossers. In my up-coming posts I will be talking more about electric brushes and flossers available on the market.

If you have more questions about improving your oral care, please call our office or visit our website by clicking on the hyperlink below.


Dental Care in Lexington KY



Flossing is something you'll hear from your dentist and hygienist that you need to do more of. Floss comes in several shapes and sizes. The important thing is to floss regularly.

Some studies are showing that a Waterpik can replace the use of floss. Whether using a Waterpik or traditional floss, the idea is to remove debris from between teeth. The longer debris remains interproximal the more damage and inflammation it causes the bone and gum (periodontitis and gingivitis).

I recommend flossing daily. Some patients complain that they can't get their hands all the way back to the back teeth. We have tested methods and tools to help you get the task done. If you have further questions about flossing technique, types of floss, or just need a regular dentist please give us a call or visit our website for more information.


Lexington KY Teeth Whitening


MAY 2014
Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges are restorations done to teeth that need something more than a filling to hold things together. That 'in a nutshell' is the answer.

A crown covers the tooth like a hat around your head holding your hair against your head on the top and sides. A crown costs more than a filling because of the added laboratory costs associated with fabrication. But, hopefully a crown last longer than a typical filling as well.

Typically crowns are reserved for when teeth no longer are going to be a stable platform for daily function with large fillings. Sometimes patients want crowns for aesthetic reasons so that their teeth won't ever discolor.

Bridges, by definition, are 2 or more crowns tied together. The most common bridge is a 3-unit bridge. That type of bridge replaces 1 missing tooth by being attached to the tooth in front and in back of the space.

A bridge accomplishes re-establishment of function in that space, holding the teeth from shifting, and helps with esthetics and phonetics.

If you think you may need a crown or a bridge, or have other concerns about your dental health, please call us or check out our website for more information at the link below.


Dental Bridge Lexington KY


Tooth Pain

Tooth Pain varies from mild irritation only when stimulated by cold or sweets, to crippling due to an dental abscess. I have found some people can sense the smallest of cavities coming on while others won't every feel pain with a tooth even when the tooth is to the point of being broken off at the gumline.

Sometimes people will have pain in their teeth when the weather is changing associated with sinuses. Wisdom teeth erupting can cause quite a bit of discomfort.

After all this information I will sum it up to say the sooner you treat it, the better and easier the outcome. If you think you have a cavity, or just need a regular checkup please call our office or visit our website below for more information.


-Dr. Cooper


Regular Checkups

New patients are a toss-up. Sometimes they are quite regular with getting cleanings. Sometimes they haven't been in years due to a bad experience or maybe getting out of the routine.

It is important to get regular checkups because cavities, gingivitis, and bone loss all develop over time, but sometimes faster than other times.

We see patients either on 3, 4, or 6 month intervals and is dependent on a number of factors. Those factors could be dry mouth (which leads to cavities), gum loss, bone loss, ability to care for their teeth, and other factors.

Whether young or old, rich or poor, lots of teeth or few teeth, it's important to stay regular. If you need a checkup and cleaning give us a call or visit our website for more information.


-Dr. Cooper 



Veneers are essentially facings on teeth. Veneers are thin porcelain that is made to fit a tooth perfectly and give the patient a 'new look' or a 'new smile'. Sometimes veneers are done to fix teeth that are chipped.

Because of the area of the teeth that is chipped the patient may not be a good candidate for a simple composite white filling. The other reason patients as for veneers is because of the desire to have white teeth or straight teeth, but not spend the time to get braces.

This is a simple rundown of veneers. I could go into more information, but i will spare readers the nuances.

If you have questions about veneers or any other questions about your overall dental health, please call our office or visit our website at the link below to find out more information.


Dental Veneers Lexington KY



-Dr. Cooper




APRIL 2014
Dry Mouth

Sometimes I have patients who are concerned about dry mouth. Dry mouth is a symptom of a lack from saliva production. It is most commonly associated with taking some medications.

After talking to your physician, you might be able to switch to another medication if you think the current medication you are taking is causing your dry mouth.

Lack of salivary flow also can be generally associated with aging. Regardless of the cause of dry mouth it can be devastating to the teeth because it allows for rampant cavity production. The best defense against that is good oral care at home and a regular visit with your dentist.

If you need a regular checkup, give us a call or check out our website for more information.



-Dr. Cooper


Canker Sores (Apthous Ulcers)

Once in a while i get a question about Canker Sores, otherwise known as apthous ulcers. Some are simple, where others are complex. Both types hurt and can make talking and chewing uncomfortable.

The root cause of canker sores is unknown, but i believe it's likely viral in nature much like fever blisters are. Fever blisters occur on the lip's border whereas canker sores always occur on mucosal tissue in a person's mouth.

Canker sores appear on non-bound tissue such has floor of mouth, cheek, and vestibule. There isn't a solution that works all the time. Mostly, it's a waiting game for the canker sore(s) to run their course. I've even tried using a laser to create a cover over the sore, but it doesn't work every time.

It's believed that they appear after stress, eating acidic foods, or having a deficiency in B12, iron, or folic acid. If you have more questions about canker sores or your overall dental health please give us a call to schedule an appointment.


-Dr. Cooper


Teeth Grinding and Biteguard Therapy

I have many patients who grind their teeth, so i get asked routinely about options to fix this problem. For some, it's as easy as making a biteguard that one sleeps in to prevent further trouble from occurring. For others it might involve muscle relaxers, or finding the root cause of their worries.

Sometimes it can be a tooth or sinus issue. I typically ask a series of questions when patients come in and work with them to find the appropriate solution. Broken teeth are often a sign that you may grind your teeth.

If you grind or clench your teeth, or just need a regular checkup, give us a call or visit our website for more information.



-Dr. Cooper


JUNE 2015
Bad Snacks for Your Teeth

Lexington Dentist Wants You to Avoid These Snacks

Everyone is guilty of snacking once in a while. When you’re not hungry enough for a full meal, grabbing a small bag of chips can satisfy you until its dinner time. But snacking can damage your teeth. Here, your Lexington Dentist, Dr. Cooper, wants to tell you about snacks to avoid, even though you may think you’re snacking right!

Hard and Soft Candies
The hard candies can contain large amounts of sugar, which, when you’re sucking the flavor out of it, goes directly to your teeth. Also, if you’re not careful, you can bite down on the candy and chip or break a tooth! On the opposite end, soft candies can damage your teeth because small pieces can get stuck on and in between the spaces. If these pieces linger on your mouth for too long, they can cause damage because they’re directly stuck to the surface.

These can satisfy your hunger for a short amount of time for the carbohydrates, but when you’re chewing them, they can also get stuck because they’re mushy after being chewed. Many crackers are also covered in salt, which can quickly give you dry mouth. As long as you don’t eat a lot of crackers at once, and are able to floss and brush after consumption, you can easily enjoy a small amount.

Dried Fruits
While they may be easier to snack on because they’ll last longer, they’re dried out with processed sugars, and there’s a lot of it! You’re much better off eating real fruit. The dried fruit can dry out your mouth, get stuck in your teeth, and are overall hurting your teeth faster.

If you have any other questions about snacks to avoid, and want advice for better snacks to have, don’t hesitate to contact your Lexington Dentist, Dr. Cooper, at this number (859) 309-6052 or click here to make an appointment!

Teeth Whitening Myths

Lexington KY Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked

Cosmetic dental solutions are popular for a reason: people love looking fantastic and feeling great about themselves. It is this reason that Lexington KY teeth whitening is such a popular choice and option that Cooper Family Dentistry offers to our patients.

Unfortunately, sometimes due to the way that people experience and share information about new exciting procedures, these groundbreaking technologies can have inaccurate rumors spread about them. So today we will looking at a few common teeth whitening myths and be offering up answers to if they actually hold any ground or not.

The first rumor or myth we hear often that may detract patients from seeking whitening is that it can cause pain and sensitivity in the teeth. We could not be anything but truthful to our patients, so yes, sometimes there is a possibility of some sensitivity occurring. This usually only occurs for about 24-48 hours after the whitening, and really only if any of the whitening solution touches the gums. One is much more likely to see this sort of pain induced from a self-administered at-home treatment than an in-office one overall.

Secondly, that teeth whitening from a professional is much more effective than the stuff you can buy in-store. This, yes, is very true. The office of your Lexington KY teeth whitening professionals get much stronger, medically regulated bleach for our procedures than the strips, pastes and gels you can purchase in-store. Much of the reasoning behind this is what was previously mentioned, the potential harm it could cause. Just like with most medicines, dental professionals like ourselves typically can administer these stronger doses with fewer complications for the patient.

Lastly, whitening lasts forever. This, unfortunately, is false. Just as our teeth fade from their natural white we are born with, so can your re-whitened teeth. Drinking beverages like soda, coffee, tea or ingesting other items with dark pigments will only work against this whitening in the long run. Drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet, alongside a consistent at-home oral health regimen to extend the time between your need for another whitening appointment.

For more information on Lexington KY teeth whitening, or to schedule an appointment of your own, please call our office today at (859) 309-6052.

JULY 2015
Choosing Your Toothbrush

Dentist in Lexington KY is Here to Help Your Brush Decision

There are not many people who go in deep thought when they choose a toothbrush. Even though there’s a wall of different brands, sizes, types, manual or electric, they don’t find it too important because they simply think, “it’s just a toothbrush.” But there’s more to this decision than only the basics, and Dr. Cooper, your dentist in Lexington KY, is here to break down how to pick the best toothbrush for you.

If you’re thinking about just the basics and aren’t worried about finding the perfect toothbrush, here are some general tips to look for when you’re picking your dental tool.

1. Think about the size of the head of the brush. Your mouth can only open so wide, so when you choose a toothbrush, find one with a smaller head. You want to reach your teeth in the way back and especially the back of your tongue, since that’s where a lot of food bacteria linger, which can also cause bad breath.

2. While this may be difficult to do before you buy a brush, examine the bristles of the brush as much as you can. Some toothbrushes allow you to touch the bristles before you buy them, and it’s important that the bristles are soft and gentle so you’re taking care of your teeth. Rough bristles and rough brushing do a lot more harm than you think! You’re damaging the protective minerals that are covering your teeth.

3. If you’re overthinking about the way you brush when your manual one, switch to electric! An electric brush can do half of the work for you. You may not be brushing the right way, and the movement that the bristles do will benefit the way you clean your teeth.

4. No matter which brush you get, it’s very important to switch out your brush after at least three months. While it may not be noticeable, there’s wear and tear to your bristles that’s not doing its best work.

If you’re still wondering what kind of brush to get, then don’t fray—ask your dentist! Every toothbrush is different, as is everyone’s teeth, so it’s okay to have questions for your dentist about what kind of toothbrush is the best one for you. Requesting an appointment or calling this number (859) 309-6052 to see Dr. Cooper, your dentist in Lexington KY, will help further your decision to find the best brush today!

Are You a Sensitive Person?

Lexington Dentist Solves Your Sensitivity 

Are you a sensitive person? And no, your Lexington dentist doesn’t necessarily mean “emotional,” but are you one of the millions of the population that suffer from teeth sensitivity?

This ache that is brought on typically by food and beverages that are too cold, too hot, sweet or sour is more common than you may think. It is estimated that about half of the world’s population deals with teeth sensitivity at some point in their lives.

Since it is such as common issue, today your Lexington dentist will be reviewing causes, triggers and potential solutions to sensitive teeth.

Two of the things that seem to go hand and hand when it comes to sensitive teeth are the original causes and the ultimate triggers of pain. So if you are not yet feeling the ache, you may want to put down that sugary, hot coffee and think the following over first.

Sensitive teeth are caused by a long-term exposure to sugars and acids in the mouth. These two components can wear away the enamel of the teeth, the protective layer, and then put microscopic holes into the structure of the teeth that can permeate to the center.

At the center of our teeth are nerves- and they are what feel and translate the pains in our mouth. When a hot/cold/etc. item then enters through these little caverns and come into contact with the nerve- instant and sustained pain can be the result.

So that hot cup of coffee we mentioned before? Or that freezing cold mound of ice cream you plan on having later? Both can not only cause damage with their sugary and acidic contents, but in-fact trigger your pain after the initial harm is done.

But what about solutions? Many sensitive teeth toothpastes and gels are available on the market, but these usually just hide the pain by including some sort of oral numbing agent in their ingredient list. One of the main, and only ways, you could get to the true root of your pain and treat it is by setting an appointment with your Lexington dentist and taking it from there.

You can schedule this appointment by calling our office today at (859) 309-6052.

Smoking and Oral Health

Lexington Dentist Wants to Save Your Mouth from Tobacco

One of the worst and most popular oral habits that people indulge in is smoking cigarettes. For decades, patients of all ages have learned the serious consequences of what can happen to a person’s physical and oral health over time if they continue to smoke cigarettes. While it’s a difficult habit to break for many people, it’s important to know how fast these oral issues can occur before they begin affecting the rest of your body. Your Lexington dentist is here to explain all of the health problems that a person can go through if they continue to smoke.

Bad Breath and Yellow Teeth
This is only the beginning of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes. The tobacco lingers in your mouth, especially on your tongue, and the smell can take a long time to go away, no matter if you brush your teeth. The same goes for the discoloration of your teeth—it will take much longer to whiten teeth because of the smoke as opposed to regular teeth whitening. Plus, many people find both yellow teeth and bad breath unattractive, and if it’s linked with smoking, then you may have a difficult time dating.

Tooth Decay, Gum Disease, and Tooth Loss
When you smoke cigarettes, you’re allowing your gums to be affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen to the bloodstream, so your gums aren’t able to heal themselves. This tobacco is also breaking down the minerals that are protecting your teeth, so when those are gone, you’ll begin to get cavities. If cavities aren’t properly taken care of, then it’ll lead to tooth decay and even tooth loss. When it comes to your gums, since they’re not able to receive oxygen, then the damage from your cavities (that can turn into plaque, and eventually tartar) will travel to your gums and also contribute to tooth loss.

Oral/Mouth Cancer
Along with lung and throat cancer, oral cancer is one of the most common diseases that can occur when people smoke cigarettes. It appears in different forms and can affect not only your mouth, but on your tongue and lips. Ulcers will show up in your mouth that you may not think are serious, but need to be seriously checked out by your dentist.

If you’re serious about quitting smoking and want to protect your teeth, call your Lexington dentist (859) 309-6052 or request an appointment today.

What is Laser Dentistry?

Lexington Laser Dentist on The Benefits of Technology!

When most patients hear the word “laser,” a quick flash to a favorite sci-fi or deep space movie can come to mind easily. However, with the advancements of technology in the past decade or so, lasers have moved from a fictional mega-weapon to actually being a medical tool with tremendous benefits.

As a qualified Lexington laser dentist, today we will be discussing what laser dentistry can typically be used for, and what the pros of it are.

Although every patient’s case and circumstances may vary, laser dentistry in this day and age can be utilized for procedures such as:

  • Treating gum disease: lasers are used to reshape the gums, remove bacteria and assist during root canal procedures.
  • Remove tissue: lasers can help in a biopsy of mouth tissue that may need to be examined for cancer cells or another disease. They can also be used to remove growths or sores in the mouth, such as canker sores.
  • Tooth decay: lasers can remove decay from teeth and can also cure (harden) newly placed fillings in cavities.

Okay, so lasers definitely do have a wide range of usages…but how do these light-energy enabled tools benefit the patient in comparison to traditional techniques?

  • Lasers can reduce anxiety in patients who fear the dental drill and related typical techniques.
  • They can reduce swelling and bleeding during treatments, as they simultaneously can also act as a cauterizer.
  • Lasers can reduce or cause less pain, meaning a lowered or no need for anesthesia or numbing agents.
  • They can be more efficient at cleaning during cavity removal, providing a higher level of overall tooth health.

The benefits of laser dentistry seem to be substantial and useful in a wide variety of circumstances, but since it is so relatively new in the field (only being practiced since about 1994), many may still be skeptical.

For more information on how your Lexington laser dentist can help you, call our office today to schedule an appointment at (859) 309-6052.  

How to Whiten Your Smile

Lexington KY Teeth Whitening Provides Options to Improve Your Smile

Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular DIY cosmetic dentistry procedures in the last several years, but it’s not always guaranteed that each customer will get the results that they wanted from the over-the-counter kits. Cooper Family Dental, your Lexington KY teeth whitening location has different options for patients to choose from so they’re able to have the smile they’ve always wanted.

There are many reasons that people choose to whiten their teeth. Tooth discoloration is due to our enamel wearing down over the years, causing the dentin (a yellow color substance that makes up the core of everyone’s teeth) to show. Further discoloration is due to many harmful foods, drinks, and habits that people indulge in. Smoking cigarettes, drinking sodas, and eating highly acidic meals all contribute to weakening your enamel and letting that yellow color show through.

Our first method includes scheduling an appointment with your dentist to receive an in-office procedure. This produces a notable change in the shade of your teeth within an hour. Applied to your teeth is a high-concentration peroxide gel to begin the whitening, but not before applying a protective special shield for your gums and enamel so they won’t sustain any harm.

Another option is a take-home kit, much like the over-the-counter kinds you find at the store, but these are specifically chosen by your dentist for patients to get the best results. Many of the kits from a supermarket or other cosmetic stores may promise a brighter smile, but don’t always deliver, whether it’s because of their product or the price. The kits from your dentist take longer than an in-office process, and, therefore, should be applied throughout the day or overnight, depending on a patient’s unique situation.

Our final option is becoming more and more popular—Zoom! Whitening. This process uses a zoom advanced power chairside lamp, which accelerates the whitening process. Your gums and lips will be protected before the whitening gel is applied to your teeth. There are three 15-minute sessions while the gel and the chairside lamp work together to improve and brighten your smile while all you have to do is sit back and relax! After you’re finished, your dentist will send you home with a whitening tray, fitted to your mouth, to continue any touch-ups and instructions on how to properly take care of your teeth at home.

If you’re interested in any of these options and want to discuss questions, prices, and appointments, call your Lexington KY teeth whitening location, Cooper Family Dental, at this number (859) 309-6052 or click here to request a consultation today!

Brush Essentials: Maintainenace & Storage

Your Lexington Dentist Shows You How To Clean and Store That Toothbrush!

Every patient of your Lexington dentist has (or should have) one of the essential tools in dental prevention at home. More than any of our hand or electric tools we have on our trays or hidden away, your toothbrush is the one that can do some of the most efficient work in prevention and maintenance for your mouth.

By its very nature of battling disease and bacteria, however, our brushes are put into peril every day. Today we will be discussing some essential maintenance and storage tips to take into consideration for your brush, so it stays resilient in your fight against dental detriments daily.

One of the first steps you can take is one that we find most patients participate in any way, sort of subconsciously. Make sure before and after you brush to wash the head of your brush off with hot water while swiping a finger through the bristles. By adding heat, flow and motion together- any lingering bacterial particles can be flushed away before you start your next cleaning.

Following brushing, storage is an essential element to consider. Make sure you store your brush upright in a holder that allows for airflow. Despite impulse, do not cover the head with any little helmets or devices. The brush should not be making contact with any other surfaces or other brushes too. Lastly, wipe away the white residue that forms on the side and the bottom of the holder frequently. This leftover paste and drippings can be a place where bacteria fester.

Lastly- knowing when to say “good-bye” to your brush is a serious consideration to making. Every 3-4 months you should be tossing our your old brush and getting a new one to prevent your regimen from suffering at the hands of worn out bristles that are more susceptible to bacteria.

For more information on the essentials of your regimen, or to schedule an appointment with your Lexington dentist- call our office today at (859) 309-6052.

Why are My Gums Bleeding?

Reasons Why Your Gums Could be Bleeding from Your Dentist in Lexington KY

No one is unfamiliar with a little blood when they’re brushing their teeth once in a while, but this isn’t something that you should be comfortable with! When your gums are bleeding, they’re trying to tell you that they’re in pain and need to be taken care of. Your dentist in Lexington KY wants patients to protect their oral health as much as possible in between their bi-annual appointment times, so if your gums are bleeding, here are some reasons as to why and what to do about it.

Bad Oral Hygiene
Many patients are surprised when their dentist tells them that their oral hygiene could be improved, but it’s more than just brushing your teeth. Throughout each day, patients need to think about what foods and drinks they’re consuming and what damage that they could cause to their teeth. While a complete diet change isn’t necessary, substituting some of the most damaging foods with more vegetables and fruits can drastically improve your oral health. In the morning and at night, it’s highly recommended to brush your teeth for at least two minutes and take another two minutes to properly floss in between each tooth.

Subpar Toothbrush
When buying a toothbrush, many patients don’t put too much thought into this process, which can hinder their dental care. It’s a popular belief that big, bulky and tough toothbrushes are the best because they’re doing the most work, but this is false. Finding a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles will benefit you more because it’ll be gentler on your gums but still do the same amount of cleaning that a larger toothbrush would, if not more. Smaller toothbrush heads can reach all of the parts of your mouth that a bulky one couldn’t, so you’re able to cover more space and clean efficiently.

Smoking Cigarettes
This is one of the most popular bad habits and one of the main reasons that people’s oral health is constantly at risk. Smoking cigarettes or using any kind of tobacco products directly affect your teeth and gums because you’re allowing the smoke to come in contact with your mouth. The smoke lingers and burns and, through your gums, the tobacco gets into your bloodstream. Constantly smoking cigarettes can cause gum disease much faster than it could for a non-smoker. The bacteria causes bleeding, inflammation, receding gums, and other intense health problems that can occur faster than one may think.

If your gums have been bleeding while you brush, floss, or simply on their own, contact your dentist in Lexington KY by calling this number (859) 309-6052 or requesting an appointment online here

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