Smoking And Oral Health

Lexington Dentist Wants to Save Your Mouth from Tobacco

One of the worst and most popular oral habits that people indulge in is smoking cigarettes. For decades, patients of all ages have learned the serious consequences of what can happen to a person’s physical and oral health over time if they continue to smoke cigarettes. While it’s a difficult habit to break for many people, it’s important to know how fast these oral issues can occur before they begin affecting the rest of your body. Your Lexington dentist is here to explain all of the health problems that a person can go through if they continue to smoke.

Bad Breath and Yellow Teeth
This is only the beginning of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes. The tobacco lingers in your mouth, especially on your tongue, and the smell can take a long time to go away, no matter if you brush your teeth. The same goes for the discoloration of your teeth—it will take much longer to whiten teeth because of the smoke as opposed to regular teeth whitening. Plus, many people find both yellow teeth and bad breath unattractive, and if it’s linked with smoking, then you may have a difficult time dating.

Tooth Decay, Gum Disease, and Tooth Loss
When you smoke cigarettes, you’re allowing your gums to be affected because smoking causes a lack of oxygen to the bloodstream, so your gums aren’t able to heal themselves. This tobacco is also breaking down the minerals that are protecting your teeth, so when those are gone, you’ll begin to get cavities. If cavities aren’t properly taken care of, then it’ll lead to tooth decay and even tooth loss. When it comes to your gums, since they’re not able to receive oxygen, then the damage from your cavities (that can turn into plaque, and eventually tartar) will travel to your gums and also contribute to tooth loss.

Oral/Mouth Cancer
Along with lung and throat cancer, oral cancer is one of the most common diseases that can occur when people smoke cigarettes. It appears in different forms and can affect not only your mouth, but on your tongue and lips. Ulcers will show up in your mouth that you may not think are serious, but need to be seriously checked out by your dentist.

If you’re serious about quitting smoking and want to protect your teeth, call your Lexington dentist (859) 266-2570 or request an appointment today.

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