Choosing Your Toothbrush

Dentist in Lexington KY is Here to Help Your Brush Decision

There are not many people who go in deep thought when they choose a toothbrush. Even though there’s a wall of different brands, sizes, types, manual or electric, they don’t find it too important because they simply think, “it’s just a toothbrush.” But there’s more to this decision than only the basics, and Dr. Cooper, your dentist in Lexington KY, is here to break down how to pick the best toothbrush for you.

If you’re thinking about just the basics and aren’t worried about finding the perfect tooth brush, here are some general tips to look for when you’re picking your dental tool.

1. Think about the size of the head of the brush. Your mouth can only open so wide, so when you choose a toothbrush, find one with a smaller head. You want to reach your teeth in the way back and especially the back of your tongue, since that’s where a lot of food bacteria linger, which can also cause bad breath.

2. While this may be difficult to do before you buy a brush, examine the bristles of the brush as much as you can. Some toothbrushes allow you to touch the bristles before you buy them, and it’s important that the bristles are soft and gentle so you’re taking care of your teeth. Rough bristles and rough brushing do a lot more harm than you think! You’re damaging the protective minerals that are covering your teeth.

3. If you’re overthinking about the way you brush when your manual one, switch to electric! An electric brush can do half of the work for you. You may not be brushing the right way, and the movement that the bristles do will benefit the way you clean your teeth.

4. No matter which brush you get, it’s very important to switch out your brush after at least three months. While it may not be noticeable, there’s wear and tear to your bristles that’s not doing its best work.

If you’re still wondering what kind of brush to get, then don’t fray—ask your dentist! Every toothbrush is different, as is everyone’s teeth, so it’s okay to have questions for your dentist about what kind of toothbrush is the best one for you. Requesting an appointment or calling this number (859) 266-2570 to see Dr. Cooper, your dentist in Lexington KY, will help further your decision to find the best brush today!

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